School of Education
Graduate Student Awards and Scholarships

The School of Education recognizes and supports the work of its graduate students through competitive university awards, School of Education awards, and School of Education graduate scholarships. Below, we offer some of the available opportunities for School of Education graduate students. SOE graduate award recipients are recognized at the College of Education and Human Development’s Celebration of Excellence.
The University of Delaware’s Graduate College is also committed to facilitating funding and fellowships for the graduate student body. These opportunities, available through university lines, as well as through external foundations and institutions, provide students with vital sources of support in their master’s and doctoral programs.
UD Awards
- Unidel Distinguished Scholars Award
- University Graduate Scholars Award
- University Dissertation Fellowship
- University Doctoral Fellowship
- Outstanding Dissertation Award (George Herbert Ryden Prize)
- Professional Development Award
- Collection-Based Research Grant
- Summer Doctoral Fellowship
Students should talk with their advisors about the application process for the UD awards.
Delaware Educator Scholarship
- The Delaware Educator Support Scholarship is intended for full-time graduate or undergraduate students attending a Delaware public or private college who intend to pursue a career in education (in a classroom or as a specialist) in specific certifications identified as areas of need in Delaware schools. Award amount is $5,000 per year. The award is not renewable but recipients can re-apply each year. Contingent upon funding from the General Assembly and based on the size of the applicant pool, at least one student in each high-need educator and specialist fields will be awarded a scholarship.
School of Education Scholarships
- Thomas R. Purnell and Edna Preston Purnell Scholarship
- Lydia C. Dunlap Graduate Tuition Scholarship
- Fontana Family Graduate Tuition Scholarship
School of Education Awards
Frank B. Murray Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
This award is presented to a PhD or EdD candidate in the School of Education whose work (e.g., publications, presentations, dissertation/ELP, assistantships, leadership in the SOE or other professional settings) demonstrates the qualities of thoughtfulness and leadership exhibited during Frank B. Murray’s tenure as dean of the College of Education (1979-1995). The successful candidate’s work is informed by scholarship and could be potentially implemented in or applied to educational settings. Students interested in this award should talk with their faculty advisors about the nomination process.
Richard L. Venezky Award for Creative Research in Literacy
This award is presented to a master’s or doctoral student in the School of Education who has done the most creative work in the area of literacy research over the past year. Specialization faculty nominate students for this award.
Mathematics Education Award
This award is presented to an undergraduate and graduate student in the School of Education who has shown outstanding scholarship and promise in the field of mathematics education. Specialization faculty nominate students for this award.
Victor Mankin Award
This award honors the memory of Victor Mankin, formerly a faculty member in the School Counseling program. It is presented to a school psychology graduate student who has demonstrated academic excellence and outstanding potential as an education professional. Specialization faculty nominate students for this award.
Pearl and Oscar Bregman Award
This award honors the memory of Pearl K. Bregman, a graduate of the agency counseling psychology program of the former College of Education. It is given to a graduate student whose research has the potential to improve the lives of children and adolescents. Specialization faculty nominate students for this award.
Robert W. Stegner Award
This award is presented to a senior or graduate student in the School of Education who has demonstrated the outstanding qualities that characterized the late Dr. Stegner: dedication to the teaching profession, comprehension of the breadth and depth of the science content area, and excellence in teaching. Specialization faculty nominate students for this award.
Dissertation Support Awards
The SOE’s Committee of Graduate Studies in Education (CGSE) welcomes applications for graduate student dissertation support awards. These awards are small grants intended to boost students’ progress on their dissertation. CGSE typically grants 2 awards per semester contingent on the availability of funds, worth a maximum of $500 per person.
Interested students may view more information on applying for this award. Please submit all applications to the chair of CGSE.
Previous Award Winners
Students in our Ph.D. in Education, Ph.D. in Economic Education, Ph.D. in Educational Statistics and Research Methods, Ed.D in Educational Leadership, M.A/Ed.S. in School Pscyhology, and M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language programs have often received these competitive CEHD/UD awards.
- Dean’s Scholar: Michelle Bailey, Julien Colvin, Diane Codding, Kateri Sternberg, Meghan Vitale
- Fontana Family Scholar: Allison Gantt, Amanda Nolte, John Strong
- Graduate Scholar: Bridget Amponsah, Racine Boyle, Kayla Brown, Jhane Campbell, Melissa Catalano, Sarah Clerjuste, Crystal Collier, Amanda Delgado, Kwaku Edusei, Brandon Jackson, Alexandra Jones, Fiona Lachman, David Mahon, Latrice Marianno, Sydney Morales, Natali Munoz, Timothy Penn,Timothy Penn, Alexus Ramirez, Nebai Shah, Jesse Sheeks, Andrykah Smith, Mie-Hawa Sumner, Deandra Taylor, Stephanie Valenzuela, Erin Womack, Nefetaria Yates
- University Fellow: Laura Ahlstrom, Daniela Avelar, Andrea Drewes, Angela Harris, Kristin McKenney, Ye Shen, Marcia Shirilla, Steven Silber, John Strong, Jordana Woodford, Hui Yang, Nefetaria Yates