School of Education
Middle School Social Studies

Concentration coordinator: Vicki Goettel
Teacher candidates who pursue this concentration can become eligible for middle school social studies certification when they successfully complete the following courses with a grade of C- or better and pass the relevant Praxis Subject Assessments. Students must also have a minimum 2.75 GPA in their social studies courses, including the General Studies social studies courses, prior to enrolling in the student teaching experience EDUC 400.
Concentration Requirements
Course Requirements
- ECON course
- GEOG course
- HIST 103, 104, 205 OR 206: World or U.S. History
- HIST 315: History for Teachers (fall semesters)
- HIST course from the list of approved courses below
- POSC 150 OR 270
- OR Comparative Politics (whichever was not taken for General Studies)
- UAPP 102 Civics & Economics for Teachers, American Political System
- One elective course (3 credits) from HIST, GEOG, POSC OR ECON
- EDUC 348: Investigating Social Studies in Middle School Communities
- EDUC 400-036: Student Teaching: Middle School Social Studies
Approved History Courses
Course | Course Title |
HIST101 | Western Civilization to 1648 |
HIST102 | Western Civilization: 1648 to the Present |
HIST103 | World History I |
HIST104 | World History II |
HIST130 | Islamic Near East: 600-1500 |
HIST131 | Islamic Near East: 1500-Present |
HIST134 | History of Africa |
HIST135 | Introduction to Latin American History |
HIST137 | East Asian Civilization: China |
HIST138 | East Asian Civilization: Japan |
HIST200 | History and Government of Delaware |
HIST201 | Introduction to Global Islam |
HIST205 | United States History |
HIST206 | United States History |
HIST210 | Introduction to Military History |
HIST216 | Introduction to Material Culture Studies |
HIST220 | American Civil Rights Movement |
HIST241 | History of Christianity to 1300 |
HIST243 | Ancient Religion and Civilization |
HIST254 | Jewish Holocaust: 1933-1945 |
HIST270 | History of Modern Asia |
HIST300 | Women in American History |
HIST302 | The World in Our Time |
HIST307 | The United States in the Early National Period |
HIST308 | The United States in the Antebellum Period |
HIST309 | United States Business and Political Economy |
HIST310 | Postwar America I: 1945-1963 |
HIST311 | Postwar America II: 1963-Present |
HIST312 | History of Crime and Criminal Justice |
HIST313 | The United States, 1877 – 1914 |
HIST314 | The United States, 1914 – 1945 |
HIST317 | Buying In: Consumer Capitalism in the US |
HIST318 | Colonial America |
HIST319 | Revolutionary America |
HIST321 | Civil War and Reconstruction |
HIST323 | The Old South |
HIST324 | American Constitutional History |
HIST325 | History of Black America to the Civil War |
HIST326 | History of Black America Since the Civil War |
HIST328 | American Industrial Society from 1815 to the Present |
HIST329 | International Migration |
HIST334 | African American Women’s History |
HIST339 | Topics in European History |
HIST340 | Ancient Near East and Greece |
HIST341 | Ancient Rome |
HIST342 | Barbarian Europe |
HIST343 | Medieval Europe: 1050-1350 |
HIST344 | Renaissance Europe |
HIST345 | Reformation Europe |
HIST348 | History of Spain: 1479-Present |
HIST349 | Modern Latin America: 1800-Present |
HIST350 | World War II in Europe, 1939-1945 |
HIST351 | Europe in Crisis: 1919-1945 |
HIST352 | Contemporary European Society |
HIST353 | Modern Germany: 1770-1919 |
HIST354 | Germany in the Twentieth Century: 1914 to Present |
HIST359 | Soviet Union: 1917-1990 |
HIST363 | Modern Jewish History |
HIST368 | Modern China: 1600-1920’s |
HIST369 | China since 1900 |
HIST370 | History of Modern Japan |
HIST371 | Postwar Japan |
HIST372 | Japan’s Global Pop Culture |
HIST374 | History of England to 1715 |
HIST375 | Britain Since 1714 |
HIST377 | Radicalism and Revolution: Islamic Movement/Modern Middle East |
HIST378 | Nationalism in the Modern Middle East |
HIST380 | History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict |
HIST381 | Islam and the West: The History of Mutual Perceptions |
HIST382 | History of Western Medicine |
HIST386 | Asian America: Culture and History |
HIST388 | American Indian History |
HIST389 | The American West |
HIST390 | American Indians: The Southwest |
HIST393 | History of Modern Vietnam |
HIST394 | Africa Since 1960 |
HIST395 | Pan Africanism |