School of Education

Alexus Ramirez
Ph.D. in Education – Learning Sciences
Having researched infant-direct speech, emotion and cognition as an undergraduate Psychology major at the University of California – Merced, I chose to pursue a Ph.D. in Education at the University of Delaware. My work focuses on how social environments affect early language development. I want to better understand, and ultimately reduce, the pre-school age language gap in order to create a more equitable foundation from which all students can achieve academic success.
As a first year Ph.D. student, I have already participated in multiple research projects. I am creating a survey with colleagues that analyzes maternal beliefs about their use of infant-direct speech (baby talk) and collecting and analyzing data using SPSS for two other projects.
UD’s Ph.D. in Education program encourages researchers to ask themselves how their research can be applicable and meaningful to people who are not from an enriched environment.
Faculty in the college are accessible, extremely welcoming and provide stimulating discussions. They challenge and support us to become successful scholars by tying assignments into students’ research interests. Quite a few of my papers have evolved into projects I am now working on in the lab, and I have had the opportunity to write several grants.
I work closely with my advisor Dr. Roberta Golinkoff, who consistently encourages me and other graduate students to present at conferences.
CEHD has challenged me to grow academically and individually. I am very thankful that I am a part of this program and I am grateful to have received UD’s Graduate Scholar Award.
Alexus was recently honored as a University of Delaware Student of Distinction.