School of Education

Cohort: 2023
Lauren Bailes
School of Education
Education and Social Policy
Yubin Jang
Yubin Jang is a doctoral student in the Education and Social Policy program at the University of Delaware. Her program is interdisciplinary program and affiliated with both Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration and the College of Education and Human Development.
Yubin graduated from Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea, with a B.A. in Education and an M.A. in Education and Educational Administration. She worked as a research assistant and contributed to studies on school climate, teacher work environments, and educational policies that were funded by the Korea Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea. Her areas of interest in research are principal leadership, educational policies, professional development, and school environments. She is currently working with Dr. Lauren Bailes on principal evaluation system, principal promotion, and induction.
- B.A., Education, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, 2020 (Summa Cum Laude)
- M.A., Education and Educational Administration, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, 2023
Professional Experience
- Graduate Research Assistant, School of Education, University of Delaware, 2023-Present
- Research Assistant, School of Education, Hanyang University, 2021-2023
- Research Assistant, Konkuk University, 2022
- Research Assistant, Gyeonggi Institute for Education, 2022
- Teaching Assistant, School of Education, Hanyang University, 2021-2022
- Research Assistant, Chung-Ang University, 2021
- Student Teacher, Han-young High School, 2020
Recent Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Paper Award, The Korean Society for the Study of Teacher Education, 2023
- Park, J, Jang, Y., Hyeong, C. & Lee, I. (2023). The Mediating Role of Collective Teacher Innovativeness Between Participatory School Climate and Teacher Job Satisfaction: Multilevel Structural Equational Modeling. The Journal of Korean Education, 50(1), 5-30.
- Jang, Y. & Park, J. (2022). Professional development needs and the mediating effect of participation in the relationship between feedback for teachers and job satisfaction. Korean Journal of Educational Research, 60(8), 57-79.
- Park, J. & Jang, Y. (2021). School-level mechanisms among collective teacher innovativeness, participatory school climate, teacher collaboration, and professional development activities: Analysis by MLSEM. Korean Journal of Educational Research, 59(8), 1-23.
- Kang, Y., Jang, Y., & Park, J. (2023, June). The Relationship between School Social Environment and Teacher’s Instructional Autonomy in 28 Countries of OECD: The Effect of Distributed School Leadership, Teacher Innovativeness, and Collaboration. Accepted for presentation at the 2023 Korean Educational Research Association Conference, Seoul, Korea.