School of Education
April 2017 achievements

School of Education shares April 2017 achievements
Roberta Golinkoff and her colleague Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek received the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)’s Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Child Development Award (2017) at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX, April 2017. Read “Honoring lifetime contributions: Golinkoff recognized for research in child development.“
Marisa Kofke, a third-year doctoral student specializing in sociocultural and community-based approaches, was awarded the best graduate paper at the 2017 UD Steele Symposium for her paper on critical reflections of disability, “Society likes to put people into socially constructed boxes: Exploration of the liminal space through undergraduate students.”
Chrystalla Mouza, Lori Pollock (Computer Science), Yi-Cheng Pan, Sule Yilmaz Ozden and Hui Yang received the Best Paper Award from the American Educational Research Association‘s Special Interest Group Technology as Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning for “Infusing Computational Thinking in Teacher Preparation: Examining Preservice Teacher Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice.” The award was presented at the 2017 AERA annual meeting in San Antonio, TX.
Roberta Golinkoff was interviewed by Matt Allteron for USA Today’s “Back to School” series.
B. Hassinger-Das, T. Toub, J. Zosh, J. Michnick, K. Hirsh-Pasek and Roberta Golinkoff published “More than just fun: A place for games in playful learning” in Infancia y Aprendizaje.
Does more rigorous middle school math coursework change students’ college readiness?” for the Brookings Chalkboard blog.
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Many faculty members presented research at the American Educational Research Association‘s annual conference in San Antonio, TX. View a complete list of their presentations and abstracts on our University of Delaware AERA reception page.
Roberta Golinkoff gave an invited address on “Crossing the research to practice bridge” at the annual Preschool Translational Science Conference at Wesleyan University.
Roberta Golinkoff was a discussant on reducing the word gap through the use of media at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX, April 2017. She also presented research on play.
Amanda Jansen with colleague J. Middleton from Arizona State University presented “Creating a motivating and engaging classroom culture: Supporting all students to learn mathematics” at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, TX, April 2017.
Nancy Jordan and her UD research team comprising Christina Barbieri, Jessica Rodrigues, Nancy Dyson, Andrew Hurwitz, Ilyse Resnick, and Luke Rinne made the following presentations at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX, April 2017.
- Rajan, V., & Jordan. N.C. “The contribution of self-regulation to different aspects of early number competence in preschool.”
- Barbieri, C., Booth, J.L., & Jordan, N.C. “The effects of incorrect worked examples on students’ misconceptions and learning of mathematical content.”
- Hansen, N., Rinne, L., Ye, A., Resnick. I., Rodrigues, J. & Jordan, N.C. “Co-development of mathematics achievement with fraction estimation and fraction comparison from fourth through sixth grade.”
- Rajan, V. & Jordan, N.C. “Individual differences in preschool number competencies: The role of subitizing.”
- Rinne, L., Rodrigues, J., & Jordan, N.C. “Reading fluency directly influences the development of multiplication fluency.”
- Resnick, I., Barbieri, C., Rinne, L., Hurwitz, A, & Jordan, N.C. “Relation between decimal and fractions understanding and the role of magnitude understanding in overall math achievement.”
- Jordan, N., Dyson, N., Rodrigues, J., Barbieri, C. & Rinne, L. “A fraction sense intervention for middle school students with math difficulties.”
Jon Manon gave an invited presentation on “Teaching math for social justice” at the Math Equity Conference on Putting Equity Principles into Action, organized by the Delaware Mathematics Coalition in Dover, DE on March 11.
Jon Manon gave presentation on “STEM comes alive through interdisciplinary problem-based learning” at the annual conference of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics in San Antonio, TX on April 4.
Jackie Wilson participated in a panel discussion on the topic of state and university partnerships with the associate superintendent of Prince Georges County School District, Doug Anthony, the assistant commissioner for Tennessee DOE, Paul Flemming, and Erika Hunt, senior policy analyst and researcher in the Center of Education Policy at Illinois State.
Jackie Wilson served on a panel at Johns Hopkins University with Michelle Young (UCEA), Deb Tyler (NAESP), and Beverly Hutton (NASSP) on the topic of national standards for school leadership and the implications for university preparation programs and state policy.
William Lewis conducted work sessions with educators of English and presented on analyzing and creating prompts for argumentative text-based writing at the Colonial School District.
Jackie Wilson facilitates a session on Design Thinking Methodology for those leading working groups for the New York City Leadership Academy and the Wallace Foundation. Wilson worked with ten facilitators to learn how to use design thinking strategies to solve problems of practice. The research problems were generated by Meridith Honig, associate professor of Education Policy, Organizations and Leadership at the University of Washington, Seattle where she is also director of the Leadership for Learning (EdD) program.
Jackie Wilson, in collaboration with Mark Smylie, co-chair of the Professional Standards for Educational Leadership Committee (Vanderbilt, University of Chicago), facilitated a meeting on behalf of the Delaware Department of Education Office of Teacher and Leader Effectiveness. This works focuses on making policy recommendations regarding the alignment of the PSEL 2015 Standards to the rubric for principals using the Delaware Performance Appraisal System.
Jackie Wilson is working with the Ohio Department of Education, the Cleveland and Lorain County Urban League, and the Cleveland Metro School System on the state ESSA plan related to the topic of school leadership. At the April meeting, the group worked with the Kirwan Institute from Ohio State University to discuss the state’s equity plan. The Kirwan Institute supports racially equitable policy and capacity building through its Opportunity Communities Model. This research model brings an intersectional analysis to focus areas such as housing, education, jobs, transportation, health, and criminal justice.
Jackie Wilson collaborated with Gary Bloom, retired executive director of the New Teacher Center, to facilitate a working group of principal supervisors from 14 urban school districts supported by the Wallace Foundation.
Jackie Wilson facilitated a working group on behalf of the American Institute for Research (AIR) on the topic of University School Leader Preparation Program Redesign. Wilson worked with the commissioner of North Carolina and his executive team from the NC DOE and the director of North Carolina State’s school leader preparation programs.
The School of Education monthly achievements is a regular feature of the news section of the SOE website. To submit achievements, please email Jessica Henderson by the last day of the month. Please consider sharing recent awards or grants, publications, presentations, and collaborations across campus or in schools.